Immediate Implant in India

An Immediate Implant is a dental implant that is placed in the socket immediately after a tooth extraction, rather than waiting for the socket to heal before placing the implant. This approach can offer several benefits.

  1. Preservation of bone and gum tissue: By placing the implant immediately, the surrounding bone and gum tissue can be better preserved, which can help to maintain the natural shape and appearance of the jawline and prevent future bone loss.
  2. Reduced treatment time: With an immediate implant, the patient can often have the entire implant process completed in a single visit, rather than having to wait several months for the socket to heal before placing the implant.
  3. Improved esthetics: An immediate implant can help to maintain the natural shape and appearance of the jawline, which can improve the overall esthetics of the smile.

The success rate of dental implants is typically very high, with most studies reporting success rates of around 95% or higher. However, the success rate can depend on various factors, including the skill and experience of the implant surgeon, the quality and quantity of the surrounding bone and gum tissue, and the patient’s overall health and lifestyle factors.

Why Choose Hind Cure India

We are a leading medical tourism company in India, we specialize in providing high-quality medical services, including dental implants, to patients from around the world. We work with top-rated hospitals and clinics in India that are staffed by experienced and skilled medical professionals and offer a wide range of services to ensure that patients receive the best possible care.

In the case of Immediate Implants, We work with dental implant specialists who are experienced in performing this procedure, and who use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients. We also provide comprehensive pre-and post-operative care to ensure that patients are well-informed and well-prepared for the procedure and that they have the support they need to recover quickly and safely. Overall, choosing HindCure India for an immediate implant can offer a safe, effective, and convenient solution for restoring your smile and oral health.

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Dr. Vivek Vij

Head of Liver Transplant
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